Audiobook support for Authors Direct and Kobo
Hey everyone!
Since we first introduced the ability to get audiobook reviews in Booksprout 2.0 we've received a lot of requests from authors asking us to support more than just Audible. Today we're happy to announce that we've just pushed an update to the Booksprout platform that will allow you to provide us with download codes from Authors Direct and Kobo to be distributed to reviewers.
When creating a review campaign for an audiobook, you'll be asked if it's exclusive to Audible or not. If it is exclusive, things will behave pretty much like they did before with a few minor differences like the ability to ask for audiobook reviews on Goodreads and Bookbub!
For those of you with books that are not exclusive to Audible, you'll now have the option to add codes for both Authors Direct and/or Kobo. You'll also be able to choose from 6 different stores for reviewers to leave their audiobook review on! Note that if you add codes for both Authors Direct and Kobo, reviewers will be able to choose which platform they want to claim a code for.