March 30th update
Author Side
- Added the ability to delete a finished review campaign.
- Added a file limit of 7.1MB to be able to send via email, otherwise, it caused an error.
- Removed the stores that are already filled out from the review exemption popup.
- Fixed an issue that now allows an unblocked member to return to their previous status.
Reader Side
- Added the option to search by pen name on "My Review Copies" tab.
- Fixed the back "Find another book to review" link to remember filters that were selected.
- Fixed an issue with some readers appearing to be team members when they weren't.
- Fixed an issue with notifications being sent for books readers couldn't claim.
- Moved claims to the appropriate column if there are 0 optional stores.
- Removed the option to download a certain filetype if that filetype is not provided by the author.